Maintenance after delivery

A website is a little bit like a relationship. It needs some attention every now and then.

If only to be safe and up to date. Without updates it will break.

The ins & outs of maintenance

When the website goes live, you get 3 months maintenance for free. 

(After that 275€ a year. Also for existing websites.)

What is maintenance?

Your website needs maintenance. You can read about the risks involved under “Why maintenance?”.

The maintenance program gives you a small checkup every month. All needed updates will be installed.

And if something stops working all of a sudden? Give us a call or message and the problem gets solved.

Why maintenance?

Behind your beautiful websites is a collection of plugins, scripts and other technical mumbojumbo. And these get regular updates.

Risks of not doing it: slow website, broken functionalities, safety risks, etc.

To prevent this, you need maintenance. Simple. (You can do it also of course, but most people don’t come around to it.)

More than standard maintenance?

For a simple website, standard maintenance is enough.

If you are very active on your site or have a large website, you probably need more maintenance.

Depending on your needs we can agree upon several hours a week/month.

Contact us for your investment.

Quotes from customers

"Alex listens to what is said and not said. He translated this to something concrete and practical, which he flawlessly connects to the end goal: a modern website."

Saskia Cohen

"I would say: "Let Alex surprise you." Due to his humor, patience, knowledge, and nice character, it was a pleasure working together." 

Sabine de Bruijn

"Alex is warm and to the point. Always open to reflection and your own input. He shaped my story much better on my website than I ever could have imagined."

Bianca Procee

"By staying in touch with me, we came to a beautiful end result!"

Maartje van de Sluis

These references are translated from Dutch.

There are many more on LinkedIn. (also in Dutch)

Results before & after (movies)